Alan Marz & Greeny Bear' Blog: Acne

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It is hard to believe that though we live in the age of computer technology where cloning of humans has become possible, it is still difficult to find effective acne solutions. Before we get into the solutions, let's take a look at what acne is first.

What is acne?
Acne is a skin condition where the sebaceous glands produce excess oil which clogs the skin pores. The oiliness attracts grime and dead cells resulting in an excellent environment for harmful bacteria to multiply. When this happens pus formation follows and you get an acne outburst. Most acne solutions are designed to reduce and eliminate the pus formation; very few acne solutions, if at all, work as preventive measures.

The scientific name for this condition is acne vulgaris, and this affects about 20 million people in USA alone. This means that at least about 20 millions people out there in the world are looking for acne solutions.

What causes acne?
The absence of foolproof acne solutions results from the fact that there is no real cause for acne formation. It is believed that hormones influence the onset and development since acne normally erupts during puberty and worsens through adolescence. Sometimes however, the trigger for acne is food allergy, while in other cases yeast overgrowth is blamed for the condition.

This is why before you adopt any advertised over the counter (OTC) medication, you should consult with a doctor. Unless you get to the root of the problem and identify what is the cause of your acne formation, the acne solutions you use might not give you the desired results.

What are the best acne solutions for you?
As you can see there are no standard acne solutions that can be prescribed for one and all. Each case is different and therefore the treatment which is adopted needs to be tailor-made to your skin condition. The best acne solutions are often the simplest ones inspired by nature. This does not mean that you shift focus from chemical products to herbal ones. Rather, you should take a serious look at homemade remedies which can be made at home from fresh and genuine ingredients. There are plenty of herbs that can help in fighting and curing acne completely. A consultation with your local certified herbologist might get you started in this area.

Side by side with the acne solution you choose, ensure that you maintain a disciplined life. You need to have at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night; and no, weekend sleep marathons do not balance the lack of sleep during the week days. The key to best acne solutions lies in a healthy diet, relaxed mind and moderately exercised body. Pay attention to your water intake. In most cases, the acne condition is aggravated by dehydration of the skin. You need to drink about 2 liters of water every day.

Avoid cosmetics as much as possible. Use only natural (homemade) beauty aids. Ensure that you clean your face thoroughly at night and have a cleansing facial at least once a month. Used together these measures give you the most effective acne treatment you can ever find.

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