Alan Marz & Greeny Bear' Blog: New Friend : Natasha

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Friend : Natasha

Today I met my father's niece,Natasha.She is a cute little girl.She afraid of any kind of dolls or teddies inclue me,Greeny Bear.My father try to calm her down,after a few minutes she stop crying.
"I hate teddy bear"!Says Natasha
"Now I love teddy bear"Says Natasha
"I wanna hug Greeny Bear"Says Natasha
"I wanna hug him again!"Says Natasha

Smile :).


kokokrunch said...

waaah!! greeny bear da ada kawan =)

wanimn said...

i like u

Anonymous said...

gmbr i dgn greeeny xd ker? ishk ;[